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Declutter with Laura - Home, Mind, Life
Starting 12th April 2021

As a Decluttering Expert and Coach, I help women to confidently let go of clutter to make space for the things that matter, and consequently live an easier, more simple and meaningful life.

Your home, mind and life are entirely entwined and cannot be separated. Your home affects your mind, your mind affects your life, your life affects your home and the circle flows round and around, having a never-ending knock-on effect on each element.


Declutter with Laura - Home, Mind, Life is a 21 Day Transformation Programme that I have carefully created to support you to:

  • Declutter your Home - You will make space for what really matters by letting go of the physical clutter in your home. I will teach you about the importance of Decluttering and how to Declutter, and will support you to let go with ease. 

  • Declutter your Mind - You will create space in your mind by identifying and transforming mental blocks and limiting beliefs. I will introduce you to mindfulness practices, meditations, and clarity exercises, to support you in getting clear on your priorities.

  • Declutter your Life - You will begin to consciously live a more simple, less cluttered life with ease. You will create an Action Plan to identify your next steps and support you in staying on track in your Decluttering Journey.


What is included?
This Signature Programme will include:

  • 3 x 1:1 Coaching/Decluttering Sessions with me
    (You can choose which service you would most benefit from. I recommend that you have your sessions weekly or bi-weekly (subject to availability), however your 3 sessions must be taken within two months of starting the Programme.)

  • 1 x Decluttering Masterclass

  • 3 x Weekly Workbooks (1 for each week)

  • 21 x Daily Exercises (1 for each day during Programme)

  • Access to my Private Facebook Group to connect with like-minded women


Who is Declutter with Laura - Home, Mind, Life for?

This 21 Day Transformation Programme is for any woman who wants to declutter their home, mind and life and begin living a more simple, less cluttered life with ease, purpose and enjoyment.  You will be expected to show up with an open mind and fully commit to the exercises. The Programme is ideal for women who:

  • Feel overwhelmed, stressed out or fed up of the physical clutter in their homes 

  • Want to learn more about the importance of Decluttering and How to Declutter

  • Crave a more simple, easier, less cluttered home and live

  • Want to unclutter their mind and get clear on their priorities and goals

  • Fancy a taster of mindfulness practices

  • Fancy a toe-dip into connecting within, deepening their sense of self love and making space for self care

  • Want or need a kickstart to declutter their home, mind and life so they can focus on what matters to them 

  • Are looking for a safe space and supportive guide to help them in their Decluttering Journey

  • Would benefit from guided sessions, resources and accountability


If this resonates and feels like a YES for you, then I can't wait to hold this space for you and guide you on your Decluttering Journey.  Register your interest and you'll be the first to know when the doors open to Declutter with Laura - Home, Mind, Life. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, click on the button below to get in touch.


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Based in the UK.

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